PC Mild & PC Media

For nearly ten years (May 2004 – November 2013), I honed my skills in the fast-paced world of digital media at PT Dian Digital Media, Jakarta, Indonesia. This period not only equipped me with a deep understanding of the editorial process but also nurtured my passion for crafting engaging content.

Leading the Charge: Executive Editor at PC Mild

At the helm of PC Mild, a leading computer tabloid, I spearheaded the publication as its Executive Editor. My responsibilities encompassed managing cover stories, coordinating with contributors, and ensuring editorial excellence. This culminated in PC Mild's remarkable achievement as the highest-selling computer tabloid in the market – a testament to the impact of a well-structured and captivating publication.

Beyond the Edit: Multimedia Prowess

While my editorial expertise flourished, my skillset extended beyond the edit button. As a Multimedia Writer for Majalah PC Media, I donned the hat of a content creator, churning out engaging articles on games and software. But my contributions transcended the written word. I also played a pivotal role in overseeing DVD content and production, ensuring a seamless and enriching experience for our readers.

Strategist and Storyteller: Driving Growth

My editorial journey wasn't solely focused on crafting compelling content. I actively participated in developing and implementing content strategies, driving significant growth in readership and brand recognition. Recognizing the importance of a well-defined content direction, I spearheaded initiatives that resonated with our audience, solidifying our publications' place within the ever-evolving digital landscape.

A Legacy of Words and Impact

This decade at PT Dian Digital Media marked a formative period in my professional journey. It instilled in me the importance of meticulous editing, engaging storytelling, and strategic content development. Today, I carry these valuable experiences forward, aiming to create impactful content that informs, entertains, and connects with audiences across the digital spectrum.